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  2. The Camera: P.1 >
  3. Chapter III: Back In Time

História The Camera: P.1 - Chapter III: Back In Time

Escrita por: AustinS21

Capítulo 3 - Chapter III: Back In Time

When the family opened their eyes after the flash disappeared, they were no longer in their nice, cozy home in front of the Christmas Tree. Instead they were in Central Park all sitting on a bench. They weren't in their 21st Century clothes anymore. They were in 1940’s clothing. They were all confused on how they ended up in Central Park.

“Where are we?” Wally asked disorientated and confused. He was looking around. Everything looked normal. The skies were blue and the sun was shining. The birds were chirping and little kids were running around playing ball with their friends. One lady walked up to the family and asked if they were okay.

“Excuse me. If you don't mind me asking, are you fella’s okay? You've been sitting there for almost four hours staring at nothing. It's starting to freak everyone out a little bit,” the woman said.

“Oh we aren't from around here,” Amy said as she looked around. “Why are you dressed so funny? What year is this?” Amy continued.

The woman looks at Amy with smirk. She laughs at Amy and then replies back to Amy’s question.

“Oh honey. Have you been drinking too much? The year is 1942. We’re at war with Japan. Haven't you read the newspaper lately? Japan bombed Pearl Harbor a couple of months ago and a two days later, the United States declared war on Japan. So yeah, you're in 1942, my dear. My names Julia. I live in Queens. Why don't you come with me back to house and I'll catch you up on what's happening around the country. How's that sound?” Julia insisted to the family.

Everyone looked at their new friend named Julia. They all got up and brushed their clothes off with their hands. And followed Julia. They walked through the park. They saw little boys and girls playing fetch and throwing frisbees and kicking around balls in the grass. The boys were wearing shorts with straps that go over the shoulder. As for the girls, they wore the typical… the dress. Soon they reached the end of the park and walked onto the sidewalk.

“My home is only about two blocks from here. If we hurry, we will be able to get there before dinner time,” Julia said in a hurry.

They all walked up to a busy intersection. There were tall towers. Bird were chirping. Car were beeping and driving on the main roads. Traffic lights were changing from green, to yellow, to red all over town. Then the group walked passed an antique shop. It wasn't the antique shop they purchased the camera from just a couple hours before. It was a tiny antique shop. But they kept on walking. All everyone was thinking about was how they were going to get back to their time. Then they all walked up to a building. The building was made of red bricks. It was three stories high. When the wind blew hard, you could see the building sway just slightly from side to side.

“Alright friends. We're home. Come with me,” Julia said as she unlocked the front door to the apartment building. Julia then twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Then she walked into the building. Everyone else followed her. They walked into a fancy elevator. The wooded decorated elevator had magnificent paintings from famous artists. The floor of the elevator was dark oak wood planks. They were beautiful. Neatly placed in rows. There was a elevator operator. The female elevator operator was sitting in a fancy dining chair with beautiful carved wooden legs. She was wearing a white dress with red high heels. Her hair was red and curly. She had blue eyes and red lipstick on. She had light brown leggings on under her dress to cover her legs.

“Sometimes it gets pretty chilly in here,” the female elevator operator said as she pressed the button to go to the third floor.

The elevator jerked. It felt as if your body began to fall, but it didn't. It was just the elevator beginning to go up to the third floor. Julia was standing by the entrance way with her red velvet purse resting on her right arm. She was wearing a dark blue button down coat. The coat reached all the way down to her knees. The buttons were made of silver and were laced on by heavy duty black string. The collar of her coat had a thin layer of yellow on it to make it pop. On Julia’s head, she was wearing a red hat with a feather from a bald eagle. As for her dress, she was wearing a white dress as well with light brown leggings. She had white high heels on.

“If I may Mrs. Phillips, you look beautiful today. Where'd you get that fancy coat from? I'd have to get one for myself,” the elevator operator asked.

“Oh why thank you sugar. I got this from Harper’s. You know? That coat store in Manhattan? I love their clothing, but it's so expensive. I think I paid anywhere from $95.00-$115.00 for this coat,” Julia glimmered as she showed off her coat to the elevator operator.

Amy rolled her eyes and smiled at the woman. She was wondering where she could get that coat from too. She loved how it looked.

“We don't have any designer coats like that where I come from anymore,” Amy stated.

Julia quickly turned around and looked at Amy. Her mood wasn't the happy go lucky Julia anymore, it was fierce.

“What my friend here means to say is that she's not from around this part of town,” Julia corrected as she smiled.

Then the elevator came to a stop. The gates opened up and everyone walked out. The elevator operator asked for a tip and received one from Julia.

“Here's $0.50 cents, my friend. I will see you again soon,” Julia said as she pulled out her wallet to give the operator a tip.

Then the group all walked to apartment 104. Julia pulled out her key from her purse to unlock the door. Everyone was tired. Traveling back in time isn't so fun, especially when it's totally unexpected.

“All this time traveling has made me super tired--and hungry,” Ashley stated as she yawned.

“Well honey, you don't need to worry about that. I have you covered my dear,” Julia said as she tried to ignore the fact that she said that they time traveled.

Then Julia pulled the key out of the lock and opened the door. The hallway of the building were painted light brown and decorated with fancy, green and brown wallpaper on the lower half. The doors were all stained dark, dark brown.

“Okay, I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubbles, but did that little girl just say--time travel?” Julia asked confused.

“Yeah when we were in the elevator, I hinted that we weren't from around here; much less from this time period.” Amy stated.

“Well we mustn't waste anytime. C’mon get inside. I'm not allowed to have visitors at this late of an hour,” Julia said worrisome.

Everyone then hurried and walked into the massive apartment. It was a three bedroom, two bathroom, apartment. Equipped with the latest appliances. Everyone looked around and was amazed at how houses looked in this time period.

“Mustn't I say? This apartment is beautiful. Even though it could use some upgrading,” Amy said as she continued to look around the apartment.

The children were disappointed though. They weren’t happy at all. They walked into the living room area and looked all around for a tv, but couldn't find one.

“Where's the tv Mrs. Phillips?” Ashley asked politely as she sat down on the couch and took her shoes off.

“This is 1942, not 2017 my dear. We don't have tv’s; we have radios,” Julia chuckled as she walked into her kitchen to start preparing dinner. 

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