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  2. The Camera: P.1 >
  3. Chapter V: Tinkology

História The Camera: P.1 - Chapter V: Tinkology

Escrita por: AustinS21

Capítulo 5 - Chapter V: Tinkology

The next morning Amy had awoken from a deep sleep in her tiny twin bed. She had sat up and threw the covers off of herself. She had stood up and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. She stopped to stretch for a second. Julia was in the kitchen with her apron on making breakfast for everyone. Amy pulled out a chair at the table and sat down. She looked at Julia and smiled.

“Good morning, Julia,” Amy said to Julia who was making eggs on the stovetop.

Julia stopped and looked at Amy for a second. She was no longer mad about the night before. In fact she was more happier than ever. She took the eggs off of the gas powered stovetop and set them aside on her counter top. She took off her apron and walked over to the dining room table and sat down next to Amy.

“You deserve answers, so I'm going to give them to you,” Julia said in a delightful mood.

Amy sat there thinking of questions to ask Julia about the man in the suit and who he was, what he wants to do, and why.

“So my first question is how did you become a tinkerer?” Amy asked curiously.

Julia sighed as she began to answer Amy’s question.

“Well, it's kind of a long story. When Egor approached me that one morning while I was walking to work, he had asked me to follow him to a secret location. It was an alleyway in between two tall brick buildings. He was wearing a gold ring with an orange diamond on top of it. He then stuck his hand out in front of him in a knuckle formation and a portal opened to another time period. He told me to follow him into the portal to his time, which so happens to be where you're from. So we walked into the portal together and we ended up landing in an antique shop. It was a beautiful antique shop.  There were vintage artifacts, such as: an ancient totem pole. That totem pole was about five feet high and had carvings of scary faces on it. It creeped me out a little bit. Then I looked over to my left and saw a costume hanging from a hanger behind the counter. It was a just a normal zombie costume. Anyways, there were a ton of amazing artifacts in his shop. I couldn't help myself. He told me to focus. So I did. He unlocked the the glass cabinet with his hey and pulled out a set of golden rings with orange diamonds on them. “This won't only give you the power to time travel, but immortality as well,” Egor stated as he smiled at me. “Now try to open a portal back to your time. Think of the place and time you want to go back to. Get it wrong and you could end up farther back than anticipated, my dear,” Egor continued to warn me about all the negatives about the ring. But I opened a portal back to my time and said goodbye to him by giving him a hug. “Now keep this ring safe. Don't let it fall into the wrong hands,” Egor said as he whispered into my right ear as we hugged goodbye. When I walked back through the portal to my time, a man in a suit stood in the alleyway watching me. He looked down at my right hand which the ring was on and looked back at me. He then pulled out a gun and started shooting, but I put my hands up and a shield came out of the ring. “Immortality huh?” I said to myself as I began to run towards the man,” Julia said as she was interrupted by Amy.

Amy was confused. One thing that wasn't making sense was who the man was in the suit. She put her hands up as her head fell into them.

“So you mean to tell me that this man, John is it? Wants to kill each and every tinkerer known to man so he can have all your power and immortality?” Amy said as she tried to understand what Julia was trying to say.

Little did Amy and Julia know was that John was standing outside of the building waiting for them to exit the apartment. But they went on with their conversation.

“So why does John want to kill all the tinkerers?” Amy asked Julia as she stood up.

“I've told you too much already. This is top secret. All the information I just told you was only for ears that behold the ring. But I'll tell you about John. When Egor and John were growing up back in the 1800’s, they were really close. They would always go out and play in the backyard and hang out with friends. But when Egor turned eighteen he disappeared forever, leaving his brother John behind. Soon after John became super depressed and angry that Egor left him like that without saying goodbye. Once John turned eighteen, he set out to find his brother only to return home to London empty handed. Fast forward to now, he is evil and wants his brother dead. He never told any twisters why he wanted all of the tinkerers dead, but we tinkerers have someone on the inside who is leaking information to us so we can stay one step ahead of him. So far all we know is that he wants world domination. He wants the world to bow before him. He wants to become the most powerful man in the world, yet no one knows why. He keeps his secrets safe with him. All I know is when we do find him, we will kill him ourselves,” Julia said as they were still sitting at the table. Marcus and Ashley woke up and came into the kitchen. Ashley had walked over to the living room windows to open the curtains. When she did that, she opened the window and looked down at the streets. There was a man standing by the front door staring at Ashley.

“Umm mommy, there's a weird man standing at me from the sidewalk and he haS something in his hand. It looks as if he's going to throw it at us. ,” Ashley said nervously.

“Ashley get away from the window now.” Julia warned as she looked at Amy. “Looks like our guest arrived early,” Julia continued.

Then John threw the ball like object at the open window. It came through the window and fell on the floor. Ashley and Marcus ran back into their rooms fearing for their lives. The object on the floor was not a tiny baseball, but a grenade. A few seconds later it detonated and started a fire in Julia's apartment. John is back on the ground staring at the third floor building. Everyone else on the streets was running away, screaming and fearing for their lives.

“Hellos Julia. Long time, no see,” John said as he walked in the front door as the female elevator operator ran out the front door in fear, coughing badly.

“He's here, we must go now before it's too late. He’ll end up killing us all,” Julia said as she grabbed her coat and purse. She quickly put her ring on and waited by the front door.

“Knock, knock. It's me--John. I'm here for some breakfast,” John said as he kicked down the front door and barged in on everyone.

He walked in and saw all the smoke floating around in the apartment. He looked down the hallway as a door slammed shut.

“C’mon. Why do you have to make this more difficult than it has to be?” John said as he ran down the hallway and started pounding on the door.

Amy, Phillip, Marcus, and Ashley were all scared. There was a window in the room with a staircase for fire emergencies only on the outside. Julia opened the window and climbed out. Amy, Phillip, Marcus and Ashley all followed. They quickly ran down the staircase and dropped the ladder to go down to the alleyway. John smashed down the door. His fellow twisters eventually got into the apartment and followed him into the bedroom.

“I want them all dead. Find them!” John yelled angrily as the twisters jumped through the open window and jumped down into the alleyway.

“They will find you. And when they do, they will kill you for me. Not only you Julia, but your puny friends as well,” John said as he stood in the windowsill looking down at the alleyway.

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