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  2. The Camera: P.1 >
  3. Acknowledgments

História The Camera: P.1 - Acknowledgments

Escrita por: AustinS21

Capítulo 6 - Acknowledgments

This story is my first ever mystical, science fiction, story ever written. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I loved writing it for you. Don't worry though, The Camera: P.2 will return soon. So you don't need to wonder what's going to happen for too much longer. The Camera: P.2 will be released on August 1, 2017.

Anyways, as always, thanks for reading this story. Hopefully this will hold you guys off until I released my next big story The Last Presidency II in December.

Thank you guys again. Please leave a comment below on how you enjoyed the story and rate it out of (5) please. Thank you. Your feedback always helps me improve my writing.

Best regards,

Austin T. Vanburen

(Author of The Camera: P.1&2)

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