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  2. The last year of my life >
  3. Travel In Time?, Part 1

História The last year of my life - Travel In Time?, Part 1

Escrita por: yRonaldFc

Notas do Autor

Part 2 saira tomorrow afternoon not pardon

Capítulo 2 - Travel In Time?, Part 1

Fanfic / Fanfiction The last year of my life - Travel In Time?, Part 1


the last year of my life:   Ronald: * I opened the door of the house *   Nya: Ronald-onii-chan eehhh   Ronald: bag, cade the mother?   Nya: I do not know, aah she remembered and Dad told us that went away for a week   Ronald: one week alone you and me           A week later   Nya: little brother coffee time   Ronald: aaah going to   Postman: aaaah looks letter   Ronald: aaah letter from the mother (aah hi son here in Paris this good mt will spend a year here bye kisses   Ronald: nooooooooooooooooooooooot   Nya: the food will cool   Ronald: going to   Ronald: why has written i love my brother in this cake   Nya: because I love you now and I will take all this year to conquinstar your heart even q we are brothers   Ronald: tabem to going to university   Ronald: q bag hm * ahhhh *   People random in the street: aaah he hit voi   Ronald: hm q and this ah ahhhh      Nya: little brother coffee time      --------To be continued-------

Notas Finais

Part 2 saira tomorrow afternoon not pardon

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