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  2. Walking in the rain >
  3. It's over, isn't it

História Walking in the rain - It's over, isn't it

Escrita por: Bigger_problem

Capítulo 1 - It's over, isn't it

It was a cloudy day, already another day, another month, another year, but you weren't with me anymore. I went to the Café we loved, but it wasn't the same thing without you.

I got home and Minskins, our cat, was at the door, but you weren't there to pet him. I looked at myself on the mirror, I was looking so old, but I was so young, we were so young.

It was it, I needed to move on, it was over. I got all your things that make me sad every morning, that everytime I wake up are staring at me and whispering "You are nothing".

I ran out of my apartment, trew all your things on the trash behind the building and set fire on them. It started raining, I started running and crying. I was already soaked when I calmed down. While getting home I met her.

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